Ugadi Festival: Celebration Of New Beginnings

Ugadi Festival: Celebration Of New Beginnings

Do you know the traditional and cultural aspect behind the Ugadi festival? If not, then this blog will be helpful for you.

Do your celebrations include Ugadi? Or Have you ever heard about this festival? Ugadi is a festival celebrated in different parts of India, including Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The festival is also known as Gudipadwa and Yugadi. The festival mostly comes in April or March, commemorating the year's beginning based on the Hindu lunar calendar. 

But do you know the deep insights of Ugadi, why it is celebrated or which gods are worshipped on Ugadi? If not, this would be a good time to explore it. This blog will help you know about the Ugadi festival so that you can celebrate it next time with in-depth knowledge. 

What is the Ugadi Festival? An Overview

Ugadi festival is one of the vibrant Indian celebrations that commemorates renewal and rejuvenation through which people joyously welcome the new year with great enthusiasm. The festival signifies the transition from one era to another and the start of a new year. Ugadi is a festival where people set new resolutions to bring a positive impression and outlook spiritually, physically and mentally. But do you know the importance and the story behind this festival?

Here are a few things that you should know about Ugadi. 

Importance- A Story Behind Ugadi

Based on the deeply rooted Hindu mythologies, Ugadi is about cyclical time and a new beginning. The prominent god associated with this festival is lord Brahma and his creations. 

Based on the belief, lord Brahma is the creator of the universe and one among the Trimurti, including Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Ugadi is celebrated to commemorate the day on which lord Brahma created the universe. 

Despite this, there is another event associated with Ugadi is the churning of the cosmic ocean. The event is depicted in Bhagvat Puranas, where the gods and demons gathered together to gain the nectar of immortality by churning the ocean. Along with the arrival of all the gods and divine beings, the arrival of the goddess Lakshmi, signifying wealth and prosperity is also celebrated on Ugadi to reflect the emergence of good fortune over evil. 

Also read: What is Dussehra Celebrated for?

Which Deity is Worshipped on Ugadi?

Even though the prime deity associated with Ugadi is lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, various deities are worshipped in Ugadi based on the regions and traditions. Despite Lord Brahma, lord Vishnu is one of the gods worshipped on Ugadi, especially in Karnataka. Being considered the protector of the universe, people commemorate his nurturing qualities and worship his blessing to gain harmony and peace in life. 

Goddess Lakshmi is another deity, worshipped by most people during the auspicious day to gain blessings for wealth and prosperity. People worship goddess Lakshmi to hopping to gain good fortune in the new year. 

Lord Ganesha is said to be the remover of obstacles. People also worship lord Ganesha at the beginning of the Ugadi celebrations for a hassle-free year ahead. The devotees offer prayers by visiting temples or worshipping the idols of these deities at home. 

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What are the rituals and Traditions behind Ugadi? 

Here are some rituals and traditions that might sound unique and specifically carried out for Ugadi. 

Panchanga Sarvanam

People wake up early in the morning and gather together to listen to the Panchanga through which the astrological events of the new year are predicted. It is done to gain valuable insights into the future so that individuals can make informed decisions. 

New Year’s Feast

Presenting enormous and delicious dishes, people of regions of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and even Telangana prepare a traditional meal with a mixture of sweet, sour, salt, bitter and more. Among all the dishes, the prime dish is the Ugadi Pachadi, chutney made of neem flowers. 

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves play a significant role in the Ugadi festival. People wake up early in the morning and chew neem leaves to purify their blood and accept the new year with purity and spirituality. 


Cleaning and decoration of houses is always a part of every festival. Like Diwali, people also decorate their houses by drawing kolam or Rangoli at the entrance of the houses. It symbolizes the warm welcome of the quests on the auspicious days. 

What is Significance of Ugadi Pachadi? 

One of the significant traditions associated with the Ugadi is preparing Ugadi Pachadi. The dish is a mixture of different tastes like bitter, sweet, sour and more. The mixture of various tastes represents the various experiences that we face in our lives. The consumption of this Ugadi Pachadi symbolizes the acceptance of different experiences that one undergoes in life. 

This dish is made of neem flowers, jaggery, tamarind and other ingredients evoking different emotions of life. 

Let’s Celebrate Ugadi Joyously

In brief, Ugadi or Gudipadwa is a festival that is said to be a spiritual renewal with a lot of cultural and traditional essence and importance. People celebrate this festival with immense dedication and interest. Like other festivals, it is said to be a festival of togetherness where people come closer, worship their deities, prepare delicious meals, visit temples and more. 

As you know the importance of Ugadi, let's make it more joyous, holding all the values for tradition and culture when it comes next time.